United College Employees

Fashion Institute of Technology / SUNY

American Federation of Teachers (AFT) Local 3457
Affiliated with New York State United Teachers (NYSUT) NEA & AFL-CIO

Welfare Fund

UCE Welfare Fund Benefits - PDFs

If you need any other information regarding the UCE of FIT Welfare Trust Fund benefits you can contact Ellen Lynch, Chairperson at Ellen_Lynch@FITNYC.edu or Anne Golden, Fund Manager at Anne_Golden@FITNYC.edu.
To all our Members covered by ProAct Prescription Plan:

Effective immediately the 1095B forms  for the calendar year of 2021 are available to all our members who are covered by our ProAct Prescription Plan.  Please contact Anne Golden at Anne_Golden@fitnyc.edu or call her at 212 217 3377 if you would like a copy sent to you via email or by US Mail.